A downloadable game for Windows

Welcome! To a simulation experience of steering a freighter ship into Aarhus harbor, using the Sletterhage Beacon to navigate. Can you navigate the water without going to ground?

Created in my 2nd semester of my Datamatikker education, Sletterhage Beacon is a prototype simulation game, made for and in collaboration with, Sletterhage Fyr Forening for them to showcase in their lighthouse museum. The project itself was developed in Unity, with a focus on project management with SCRUM and working together with the client to create the experience they wanted for the end-users.

After we were finished working on the prototype we got feedback from the client that they were very happy with the mechanics the simulation, specifically the feeling of weight in moving the ship and how the lighthouse's color correctly changed depending on what direction the ship is coming from.

Made by:
Andreas Hendriksen
Peter Hougaard Christensen
Casper Kirke-Pedersen


SletterhageBeacon_Source.zip 878 MB

Install instructions

1. Un-zip the .rar file

2. Double click 'Buoy-Project.exe'

3. Control with the WASD buttons

4. Enjoy!

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